We here in South Africa are enjoying the glorious season of spring, all the little green men sticking their heads out of the ground once again, and the other half is entering nature's rest period: winter, a time to re-charge the life force and to rest.
The little green men in my province, the Freestate, the agricultural leader in SA, have some problems though: The land suffers from a disabling drought. The colour of the landscape is beige. Water is scarce, the farming community desperately prays for rain. Others again put on their leopard skins and dance for the rain queen.
Observing the plight of the earth and it's living beings is a favourite subject on my laptop, and trying to drum up support is too.
You know about the Masaai? They are those thin, tall people in mostly red cloths, jumping down and up high in the air holding their herder's sticks, while they thus get a better view of potential danger to their cattle.......
Remember a couple of months ago I provided a link to a petition against one of the many man made disasters of Africa: The Masaai
people were going to be driven off their land to make room for hotels and hunting ground and other amenities for the rich people. I signed and pledged a very small amount of money, just as much as was affordable, and today I received the heart warming e-mail that "avaaz" changed everybody's mind and I felt deeply involved, proud and happy:
Another example: Remember how almost 2 million of us rallied to stop the Maasai tribe in Tanzania from being kicked off their land for a hunting reserve? Last week, the Prime Minister announced they could stay! The petition provided a powerful basis for what the team did next:
link to "avaaz" newsletter: www.avaaz.org It is not necessary to give money. You can just add your voice to a petition . Now, I am aware that there is too much wrong in the world for one person making a difference, but one can choose one or two causes and help make a difference. It makes a GREAT difference to your feelings, if your cause is getting somewhere and you at least have lent a helping hand. If you want to chip in to help keep it all going, click here: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/ I will write again soon. Greetings, Barbara |